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Next Parish Meeting
14th January 2025
Community Led Plan
In February 2020, the Parish Council had just completed and agreed a Community Led Plan(CLP) and intended to present the plan to all parishioners at a launch event in spring 2020, however this was thwarted by the Covid pandemic. We revisited the CLP recently and a resolution was passed in January 2024 to publish the CLP plus an update on the Actions identified in the plan. These are published below, click on each one to view.
Community Hall Presentation
Click here to view the presentation
We have delivered a copy of the survey questions to each household in the Parish, and it is important that each parishioner has the opportunity to complete the survey and have their say. If you would prefer to complete the survey online, please follow the link below indicating your preferred options for the Community Hall. Please complete one survey per person in your household.
Who are we
Dinton with Ford and Upton Parish Council consists of 7 Councillors, a Clerk and a Responsible Financial Officer. The Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm in Dinton Village Hall (except August).
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and are given the opportunity to speak. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council are elected annually by the Council. Councillors are elected every 4 years. The Clerk is a paid official of the Parish Council.
The main responsibilities of the Parish Council include:
Management of the Parish Field, Spinney and younger and older children’s playgrounds;
Management of grass cutting in a number of areas including the Dinton Parish Field and Village Greens
Management of bus shelters, Parish Council owned rubbish bins, dog bins and salt bins.
Commenting on Planning Applications and other consultation documents.
Attending the Local Area Forum to liaise with County Councillors and the police.
Liaising with District Councillors on District issues.
Conducting the Remembrance Day ceremonies in November at Dinton and Ford.
Producing a quarterly magazine, “The Bigg Issue” and distributing it to every household in the Parish.
Working with Ford Village Society in respect of their mobile Vehicle Activated Sign
Liaising with Cuddington and Dinton School on their travel plan.
Setting an annual precept and budget for management of Parish Council affairs.
Monitoring Parish Footpaths to ensure they stay in good repair.
Organising an annual parish litter pick.
Managing the Parish Council web site.